ehelp BannerWeb
Student Services & Financial Aid
Through BannerWeb students can sign the online laptop agreement, check account balances, register for classes, review class schedules or update their personal profile.
Faculty and Staff Services
Through BannerWeb staff and faculty can research class listings, pay and benefits information, student information, update their personal profile or record hours worked or leave time.
Log in Procedures
Click on the BannerWeb Login button.
User ID
- Admitted Students/Alumni- Your BannerWeb ID will be your nine digit Banner ID (including all zeros).
- Current Students, Faculty, and Staff- You will use your Canvas/Network username
- Admitted Students/Alumni- Your initial BannerWeb PIN is your date of birth in MMDDYY format. For example: 022890. You must change your PIN to another 6-digit (or more) number the first time you log into BannerWeb .
- Current Students, Faculty, and Staff- You will use your Canvas/Network password
Forgotten Password?
If you need help with your PIN/password, please contact the Help Desk at 248.204.2330 or to have your BannerWeb PIN/Network password reset.
Faculty Use Only
It is important that all grades are submitted by the grading due date. All instructors should be notified of the grading due date by the Registrar’s Office.
Any questions regarding the online grade entry should be directed to the Registrar’s Office at 248.204.2280 or .
Step 1
Log into Banner Web, click on the Faculty Services tab. Select the Final Grades option.
Step 2
Select the course grades will be entered for by clicking on the “Not Started” button.
Step 3
Once you select the course to enter the grades for the class roster will be visible.
Step 4
The grade for an individual student can be entered by either typing the grade in the final grade box or using the dropdown menu to select the final grade.
Step 5
Once the grades are entered click on the “Save” button. You can save at any time and return to enter more grades at a later time.
Step 6
Upon clicking on the “Save” button, if grades save properly the “Save Successful” message will appear.
Step 7
If any errors occurred a message will appear with what is required. All other grades entered correctly will save. The missing data from the class roster will highlight in red with where something needs to be
Google Chrome
Step 1- Setup your Windows computer to use Chrome:
-Press the Windows key icon in the lower left corner of your screen
-Search for "Default Programs" This will bring up the "Default Apps" screen.
-Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the "Choose default apps by protocol" link
-Scroll down until you find "MAILTO" To the right of "MAILTO" is the default app, click on the default app and select "Google Chrome"
Step 2- Setup as Chrome's default email handler:
-Open Chrome, in the URL box put chrome://settings/handlers and hit enter
-If you see with three vertical lines to the right, skip to Step 3 below
-If you see under "not allowed to handle protocols," hit the X to the right to remove it.
-Open your 利记sbo email in Chrome (if it is already open, refresh the page so it reloads)
-An icon that looks like an eye or overlapping diamonds will appear all the way to the right in the URL box, click on the icon
-It will ask "Allow to open all email links?" Select Allow and click Done.
Step 3- Emailing students from BannerWeb
-Make sure you're logged into your 利记sbo email using Chrome
-Go to your class list in BannerWeb
-Check the box to the left of the "Student Name" column header to email all students, or select students individually
-Click on the Email icon (picture of an envelope)
-A new email will open with student email addresses in the Bcc box, add subject and email body then send.
-When done, hit the browser back button to go back to the class list.
Step 1- Setup your Windows computer to use Firefox:
-Press the Windows key icon in the lower left corner of your screen
-Search for "Default Programs" This will bring up the "Default Apps" screen.
-Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the "Choose default apps by protocol" link
-Scroll down until you find "MAILTO" To the right of "MAILTO" is the default app, click on the default app and select "Firefox"
Step 2- Emailing students from BannerWeb:
-Make sure your logged into your 利记sbo email using Firefox
-Go to your class list in BannerWeb
-Check the box to the left of the "Student Name" column header to email all students, or select students individually
-Click on the Email icon (picture of an envelope)
-A box will appear asking "Chose an application to open the mailto link"
-Select Gmail and check "Always use this application to open mailto links" box
-Click on the Open Link button to finish
-A new email will open with student email address in the Bcc box, add subject and email body then send.
-When done, hit the browser back button to go back to the class list.